Thursday, July 17, 2014

The novelty of a new kind of church directed at cowboys attracted them, but the warm accepting atmosphere kept them coming back. Finally, here was a place where they could come “just as they were” and hear what God might have to say to them. For many, it was a life changing experience that put them squarely on the path of loving and pursuing God.
Cowboy Church has grown larger and more diverse since those early days. With more and more cowboy churches having huge growth regular you are just as likely to encounter a biker, teacher, or police officer as you are a cowboy. However, some things have not changed. Despite its size, Cowboy Church maintains its rural western atmosphere and it continues to be a place where people come as they are, but leave changed.
We welcome  all who love the country life and western life and it's teachings you do not have to be a cowboy or own a horse to attend our church.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Some Great Web Sites of Cowboy Church Ministries:

Some Great Web Sites of Cowboy Church Ministries:
American Fellowship of Cowboy Churches:
Wrangler Church (Cowboy Church for Children)
4 Shepherds Horsemanship Ministry:
Cowboys for Christ Ministry:  (Main Website)
Truett Seminary Certificate Program:
Mel Hooten:
Horse Whisper Ministry: .

Cowboy Church Schools

--Prairie Trails Cowboy Church, Haysville, Kansas
--Circle J Cowboy Church, Texarkana, Arkansas
--Palo Duro Cowboy Church, Canyon, Texas
--Jasper County Cowboy Church, Jasper, Texas
--Double N Cowboy Church, Dublin, Texas
--Texoma Cowboy Church, Wichita Falls, Texas

Come as you are:

We believe in taking down the barriers that cause some folks not to attend church.
We do not have alter calls.
 We do not pass the offering plate, but we  do have expenses.
 There is a bucket on one of the tables you may put a donation in if you would like to help out.
 We have no dress code. 
You are always welcome.

Moving Along:

God has  blessed us with a sponsor church.
Now we can look for our own place.

Great food fun and fellowship Saturday

We want to thank Judy and Robert for the great food fun and fellowship Saturday.
I think everyone had a great time